Clement Achim Gyimah has being a
minister of the Church of Pentecost for 17 years now. Currently, he is the
Resident Pastor for the Roman Ridge Church of Pentecost, Accra. He has been a
Youth Spokesperson for the United Nations for the MDGs and now SDGs with wide
range of experience in Youth work. He is among the first batch of emerging
African leaders to benefit from London School of Economics and Political
Science – program for African leadership (LSE -PfAL) in 2012. He currently
serves as the Youth Advisor on the African Renaissance and Diaspora Network
(ARDN) based in New York. He is an Organizational Development Certified
Consultant by profession with Masters of Science in Organizational Development,
MSC OD. Rev. Clement is a PhD candidate at the Texilan American University
pursuing Management.